Degreasing is essential to many industrial processes, as a prelude to surface finishing or to protect sensitive components.
Degreasing includes removal of oil soils, grease and lubricating. Our degreasing chemical is effective in removing all the above-said things. We have a wide range of degreasing products.
Everclean products are very effective in removing all oil contents on the metal surface. Alkaline type degreaser is very effective in removing 100% oil content when compared to other types of degreaser. Alkaline type degreaser is able to convert insoluble fatty acid to soluble fatty acids and hence it is more effective than other types of degreaser. Different types of alkaline degreaser
Eversolve is an emulsion type metal cleaner specially formulated to effectively clean oils and soils from aluminum, iron, zinc, steel and casting surfaces without undesirable consequences. Ever solve does not produce corrosive fumes and pungent smells. Different types of emulsion type degreaser
Atlas is a solvent type degreaser to clean grease and oil from the metal surfaces. It was developed to provide super strength cleaning and degreasing power for ferrous and non-ferrous components while protecting the user and the environment by eliminating the use of perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene and benzene.
Ultraclean removes oil and grease from steel, stainless steel, magnesium and nickel. It removes superficial impurities in the metal surface. Ultrasonic cleaners are faster and more consistent than any other cleaning product.